And just as soon as our honeymoon had seemed to begun it was time to take our last walk through the village to the little airplane that would bring us home again.

As we took off the small village quickly dissapeared away from view and were going home to  our hopefully newly built home

Soon the nausea subsided a bit and I decided ( with big complaints from Tony ) to stay in the jungle to explore more. Tony reluctantly pitched the tent and continued working on his artifacts but I could feel his worried gaze on me.

I wasn’t worried anymore, I felt it. Me and the baby was in no danger! Also this place had a great fishing spot, as long as you were careful of the crocodile

One morning I woke up with this strange feeling and a bloated tummy, I didn’t really have much time to think about it before a wave of nausea made me run for a corner away from camp to
throw up yesterdays dinner.

Anne: 💡