After days ruin diving with no pool in sight besides the one we saw at the entrance I resorted to using one of our waterbottles. Getting rid of the horrible stench would be worth having a little less water!

The statues where getting crankier but didn’t seem to want to punish us for our intrusion even when their eyes glowed a eerie red

As I was studying oneof the many ancient statues littering the ruins I heard a rythmic clacking behind me thinking it was Tony messing around I turn with a smile.

Anne: Hey.. you’re not Tony???

Was that really a talking breathing dancing??? skeleton standing infront of me?? He did seem friendly enough so obvisouly I didn’t want to be rude and introduced myself

Days went by in newlywed bliss, searching the jungle for treasures, scouring the market for gems and relaxing in our small cottage.

One day while strolling through the jungle we stumbled upon a strangely shaped pool in the middle of a ruin. The green shimmer of the the water too enticing to resist, a glance between us was all it took and our clothes was in a pile on the ground and we charged for the pool racing to be the first one in!